There is a famous quote attributed to Dalia Lama. " If you think you are too small to make a difference, try sleeping with a mosquito"
Right now, we might be greatest fight of our lives: the fight to put a wrench in the systematic destruction of the only planet we've got. And things are stacked against us mere humans. What weight do the actions and words of a single person have when politicians and corporations hold all the power? Especially when the Greater Power they answer to is not God or Gaia or Shiva, or Adonai, or the Prophet, but Cold Hard Cash.
What we wanted to do when making The Race to Save the World, was to call attention to individual human beings who are putting all they've got into this fight. And sure, it looks like they have no power, or so little. And yet, here we are, amplifying their voices. Without their action, there would have been no reaction. So the simple fact that they decided to be the mosquito in the room, and have put themselves at risk of being swatted away by their peer group, their families, and the community at large is just inspiring.
You will never convince a climate denier to use less paper towel, or to recycle, or to stop parrotting that global warming can't possibly be real since it snowed in April. And that's Okay. In fact, one individual's attempt at widening their personal carbon footprint is entirely their prerogative. What is important is the passion and deliberate activism of those who do know that things are getting real. And yes, reducing our personal carbon foot print is commendable. -The Big Polluters are making sure to guilt trip us about that (which is gaslighting 101 but we digress..) But what will make change happens is when everyone (who is NOT a climate denier, and that's about 90% of people) gets involved, gets into the fight with whatever skill and personality that is uniquely theirs. But first, we must believe that the fight is winnable. Because it is. And no, it's not too late. But it will be. Soon. We must remember that our voices together can be very loud. We already know that bad thoughts and ideas spread like viruses, so why not spread good ideas and good thoughts instead? Why not spread art? Why not spread rebellion at every turn? Why not be so annoying in our own inimitable way that they can't deal with us any more. Think millions of mosquitos buzzing together. Now that's power!
And if you think that the sort of change we need is unthinkable, just take a look at the last 12 months. Did you imagine in your wildest dreams the possibility of an entire year without school? without commute? without sporting events? without restaurant dining. But it did happen, nearly overnight.
We say, let's all be like Aji, Amy, Bill, Miriam, Michael in the film. Let's refuse to accept. Let's refuse to get depressed or worse, cynical about the future. Let's be bold, and annoying, and loud, and disobedient. Let's all together put pressure on politicians and corporations to influence the systemic change that is urgently required.
Your buzz is small, tiny mosquito. But your sting is being noticed.
What we wanted to do when making The Race to Save the World, was to call attention to individual human beings who are putting all they've got into this fight. And sure, it looks like they have no power, or so little. And yet, here we are, amplifying their voices. Without their action, there would have been no reaction. So the simple fact that they decided to be the mosquito in the room, and have put themselves at risk of being swatted away by their peer group, their families, and the community at large is just inspiring.
You will never convince a climate denier to use less paper towel, or to recycle, or to stop parrotting that global warming can't possibly be real since it snowed in April. And that's Okay. In fact, one individual's attempt at widening their personal carbon footprint is entirely their prerogative. What is important is the passion and deliberate activism of those who do know that things are getting real. And yes, reducing our personal carbon foot print is commendable. -The Big Polluters are making sure to guilt trip us about that (which is gaslighting 101 but we digress..) But what will make change happens is when everyone (who is NOT a climate denier, and that's about 90% of people) gets involved, gets into the fight with whatever skill and personality that is uniquely theirs. But first, we must believe that the fight is winnable. Because it is. And no, it's not too late. But it will be. Soon. We must remember that our voices together can be very loud. We already know that bad thoughts and ideas spread like viruses, so why not spread good ideas and good thoughts instead? Why not spread art? Why not spread rebellion at every turn? Why not be so annoying in our own inimitable way that they can't deal with us any more. Think millions of mosquitos buzzing together. Now that's power!
And if you think that the sort of change we need is unthinkable, just take a look at the last 12 months. Did you imagine in your wildest dreams the possibility of an entire year without school? without commute? without sporting events? without restaurant dining. But it did happen, nearly overnight.
We say, let's all be like Aji, Amy, Bill, Miriam, Michael in the film. Let's refuse to accept. Let's refuse to get depressed or worse, cynical about the future. Let's be bold, and annoying, and loud, and disobedient. Let's all together put pressure on politicians and corporations to influence the systemic change that is urgently required.
Your buzz is small, tiny mosquito. But your sting is being noticed.